Pre Emergent Herbicides

Holly Petty
10 min readJun 13, 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the top pre-emergent herbicides on the market. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a newbie, you’ll find valuable insights and information to help you make the best choice for your lawn and garden. Let’s dig into the world of pre-emergent herbicides and discover the products that will keep your landscape beautiful, weed-free, and healthy.

The Top 5 Best Pre Emergent Herbicides

  1. Preen Pet Safe Granular Lawn Weed Control for Weed-Free Lawns — Keep your lawn pristine with the pet-safe and easy-to-use Preen 30 lbs. Lawn Weed Control, effectively targeting and eliminating a variety of lawn weeds while ensuring minimal odor and ingredient concerns.
  2. Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide: Long-Lasting Weed Control for Turf and Landscape — Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide: A long-lasting, preemergent solution for controlling over 30 weeds in production ornamentals, golf courses (except putting greens), residential turf, and landscape ornamentals.
  3. Preen One Lawncare: Broad Spectrum Granular Weed Killer & Lawn Feeder — Preen One Lawncare: One easy application for effective weed removal, preventing crabgrass, and nourishing your lawn with slow-release nutrients — all in one time-saving step.
  4. Efficient Crab Grass & Weed Preventer by Bonide — Prevent crabgrass and weeds from growing in your lawn all season with Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer, providing long-lasting weed control without the need for fertilizer, now available with just one application.
  5. Effective Pre-Emergent Herbicide for Crabgrass and Weed Control — Experience effective weed removal with Prodiamine 65 WDG — 5 Pounds, the flexible pre-emergent herbicide that can be applied in both the spring and fall for long-lasting crabgrass control.

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Preen Pet Safe Granular Lawn Weed Control for Weed-Free Lawns


Preen Lawn Weed Control offers an effective solution for eradicating various lawn weeds, such as dandelion, chickweed, and more. It ensures a hassle-free application process, making it a popular choice for those seeking a weed-free lawn.

The granular formulation ensures a controlled release of the weed-killing agent, eliminating concerns about damaging the lawn when used as directed. By targeting and killing broadleaf weeds, Preen provides a way for homeowners to maintain their lawns with ease.

Key features include a pet-safe formulation, as well as a broad spectrum of weed coverage. However, users may experience mixed results in terms of coverage and weed elimination due to differences in lawn type and other factors, such as local climate conditions.

Some users have reported successful results, while others have encountered issues, such as the weed killer worsening the weed situation or causing unwanted damage due to overuse. It is essential for users to follow the provided instructions carefully, ensuring the best possible outcome for their lawn.

In conclusion, Preen Lawn Weed Control is a suitable solution for those seeking to eradicate common lawn weeds. However, proper usage and consideration of varying lawn types and local conditions are crucial for optimal results.

Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide: Long-Lasting Weed Control for Turf and Landscape

I recently tried using Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide on my lawn and was quite impressed with the results. This handy little 4 oz bottle of herbicide is perfect for controlling more than 30 different types of weeds both in residential and professional settings, like production ornamentals, golf courses, and turf landscapes.

One thing I noticed was that it’s crucial to apply it before the targeted weeds have already sprouted as it will not be effective once they’ve emerged. The product is super easy to use and, once applied, it guarantees long-lasting preemergent weed control with just one application.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing. Barricade 4FL can be a bit tricky to handle due to its thin consistency, which can make it a bit messy when applying. But overall, this pre-emergent herbicide is a great investment for anyone struggling with weed control in their yard.

Preen One Lawncare: Broad Spectrum Granular Weed Killer & Lawn Feeder

Preen One Lawncare is an all-in-one solution that tackles not only weed removal but also lawn feeding with ease. It’s perfect for those dealing with broadleaf weeds, such as dandelion and clover, while also preventing annoying crabgrass. The slow-release fertilizer packed within Preen One means you won’t need to worry about further applications for at least two months.

Spray on a damp lawn and watch the weed problem diminish. With Preen One Lawncare in your lawn care arsenal, you can say goodbye to extensive weeding hours and hello to a greener, more robust lawn. It’s compatible with a variety of grass types including bahiagrass, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass.

However, Preen One may not work as flawlessly for all types of grasses and should be avoided for centipede, St. Augustine, and edible lawns. Moreover, it might not be the best choice for a crabgrass prevention program, as it has the effect of killing the weed seeds, making it less effective as a preventer.

Another potential drawback to consider is the potential adverse effects — it’s not ideal for use around children and pets. Plus, those with a penchant for organic products may not take kindly to its non-natural composition.

In summary, Preen One Lawncare is a go-to for efficient and effective broadleaf weed removal and lawn feeding, but it may not be universally ideal for all grass types or preferences.

Efficient Crab Grass & Weed Preventer by Bonide

The Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer is a highly effective pre-emergent solution for both grassy and broadleaf weeds, making it perfect for spring applications on lawns and gardens. Covering up to 5000 square feet, this product is designed for use on both northern and southern turf grass species.

With a long-lasting effect of two to four months, Bonide’s Crabgrass & Weed Preventer is not only an efficient weed preventer but also offers some early post-emergence effectiveness. The product doesn’t contain any fertilizer, making it a safe choice for those seeking an eco-friendly option.

However, one downside is that it comes in a heavy 10-pound jug, which may be inconvenient for some users. Despite this, the product’s exceptional effectiveness in controlling crabgrass and other unwanted weeds has earned it a perfect 5 out of 5 rating from one satisfied customer.

Effective Pre-Emergent Herbicide for Crabgrass and Weed Control


Utilizing Prodiamine 65 WDG for my crabgrass and overcrowding weed problems, I must acknowledge that it has been a game-changer! This pre-emergent herbicide succeeds in suppressing a broad assortment of weeds, such as annual bluegrass and crabgrass. The quantity of the active ingredient is considerably lesser in comparison with other pre-emergent herbicides, rendering it eco-friendly and harmless for use near my turf grasses.

I highly commend the adaptability of the product for seasonal applications in both spring and fall, ensuring year-round crabgrass management. It’s ideal for diligent lawn enthusiasts like me who take pride in maintaining immaculate outdoor spaces throughout the year. Additionally, it’s safe to employ in over the top applications in shrub and flower beds, safeguarding my garden with an extra layer of protection.

Among the notable features that captivated me was the fact that Prodiamine 65 WDG can be combined with other fundamental treatments, such as fertilizers and iron solutions. This attribute transforms it into a multi-purpose solution for maintaining my lawn, conserving both my time and effort in lawn care.

Nonetheless, I would like to point out that a few users have faced slight difficulties in blending the granules with water before pouring them into a sprayer. This might not be an issue for everyone, but it’s a consideration to bear in mind while using the product.

All in all, I’m overwhelmingly content with my experience using Prodiamine 65 WDG. It’s a top-notch, budget-friendly strategy for thwarting and regulating crabgrass and other common weed issues in my lawn.

Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to keeping your lawn or garden free from unwanted weeds, a pre-emergent herbicide can be a valuable tool. However, with the variety of products available in the market, selecting the right one can be challenging. To make the process of choosing a pre-emergent herbicide easier, we’ve put together a buyer’s guide to help you understand the important features, considerations, and general advice for this category of products.

Types of Pre-Emergent Herbicides

There are two primary types of pre-emergent herbicides: granular and liquid formulations. Granular products are typically applied using a lawn spreader, while liquid products may be applied using a sprayer. Both types of products have their advantages and can be effective in controlling weed growth.

Active Ingredients

Pre-emergent herbicides contain various active ingredients that prevent weed seeds from germinating. Some common active ingredients include halosulfuron, siduron, and trifluralin. It’s essential to understand the active ingredients in a particular product to determine its effectiveness against the types of weeds it targets.

Application Timing and Frequency

Pre-emergent herbicides should be applied before weed seeds can germinate. The timing of application will depend on the weather conditions and the type of ground covered. Generally, spring is the most common time to apply pre-emergent herbicides. They should also be reapplied periodically throughout the growing season to maintain weed control. Always refer to the product label for specific application instructions.

Safety Considerations

While pre-emergent herbicides can be effective in controlling weed growth, they may also harm desirable plants if not applied correctly. Consider the potential impact of the product on your lawn or garden before purchasing. Also, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper handling and disposal to ensure safety.


What is pre-emergent herbicide?

Pre-emergent herbicides are a type of weed control product used in the prevention of weeds before they even germinate. These herbicides work by inhibiting weed seed germination or by preventing weed growth after germination. Pre-emergent herbicides are designed to be applied before the weed seeds germinate, ensuring that the chemicals are present in the soil to prevent weed growth.

There are two primary types of pre-emergent herbicides: those that are applied to the soil surface and those that are applied systemically. Surface-applied pre-emergents form a barrier that repels or kills weed seeds upon contact. Systemic pre-emergent herbicides, on the other hand, are absorbed by the plants and then moved to other plant parts, effectively inhibiting weed growth.

What are the common types of pre-emergent herbicides?

There are several types of pre-emergent herbicides available in the market, which target specific weed species or types of weeds. Some common types include: 2,4-D, Dicamba, Glyphosate, and MCPA. These herbicides work by either inhibiting the growth of the weed or by selectively targeting the weed while leaving the desired plants unaffected.

It is essential to choose the right pre-emergent herbicide based on the specific weed species present in your garden, lawn, or field. Consulting a local extension service or a professional landscaper can help you determine the most suitable product for your needs. Additionally, it is essential to read the product label and follow the application instructions carefully to ensure effective weed control and minimize any potential harm to the environment and non-target plants.

How do I apply a pre-emergent herbicide?

The application process for pre-emergent herbicides varies depending on the specific product and the target area. Generally, pre-emergent herbicides are applied directly to the soil surface or incorporated into the soil. Some products require the use of specialized equipment, while others can be applied manually using a spreader or a handheld applicator. Always refer to the product label for specific instructions and application recommendations.

It is crucial to apply the pre-emergent herbicide at the recommended rate and time of year. Apply the herbicide when the soil temperature is within the recommended range for the specific product. In most cases, pre-emergent herbicides should be applied during the spring, before weeds emerge, or in the fall. Ensure that the plants and surrounding areas are well-watered before and after application to improve the herbicide’s effectiveness.

What are the benefits of using pre-emergent herbicides?

Using pre-emergent herbicides offers several advantages over other weed control methods, such as post-emergent herbicides or manual removal. Pre-emergent herbicides allow for a more targeted and effective control of weeds, which can help reduce the overall use of chemicals in your environment. By preventing weeds from germinating, pre-emergent herbicides also help preserve the nutrients and moisture in the soil, allowing your desired plants to thrive.

Additionally, pre-emergent herbicides help maintain the aesthetics of your garden or lawn by preventing unsightly and invasive weeds from growing. By investing in a pre-emergent herbicide, you can save time and effort in the long run by reducing the need for manual weed removal or more frequent applications of post-emergent herbicides.

Are pre-emergent herbicides safe for the environment?

The safety of pre-emergent herbicides for the environment depends on the specific product and its active ingredients. Some pre-emergent herbicides are considered safe for the environment when used according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, other products may have potential negative impacts on non-target plants, beneficial insects, and soil ecosystems.

Always read the product label and follow the application instructions carefully to minimize any potential harm to the environment. Consider using organic or non-chemical alternatives to pre-emergent herbicides for a more eco-friendly approach to weed control. Additionally, avoiding overapplication and following proper soil testing procedures can help ensure the herbicide’s effectiveness while minimizing its environmental impact.

What are some common side effects of using pre-emergent herbicides?

Some common side effects of using pre-emergent herbicides include irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. These symptoms can occur during or after herbicide application and may vary in severity depending on the individual’s sensitivity and the duration of exposure. To minimize the risk of side effects, always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and a face mask during application.

It is essential to ventilate the area well after application and avoid skin or eye contact with the herbicide. If side effects occur, immediately wash the affected area with water and seek medical attention if necessary. Finally, always follow the manufacturer’s safety recommendations and label instructions to ensure the safe and effective use of pre-emergent herbicides.

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